Sprott Shaw College’s Education Assistant program prepares you for the challenges and rewards of working alongside educators to support students with physical, learning or emotional needs. You’ll graduate with the diploma and experience to embark on a career path with government agencies, school boards, childcare centres, recreation centres and more.

  • Follow a well-rounded curriculum that includes studies in at-risk youth issues, child growth and developments and individual education plans
  • Learn to support a collaborative work environment with teacher, parents and students
  • Demonstrate proper techniques in bathing, hygiene, nutrition, feeding, infection control, transfers and wheelchair safety
  • Study best practices in assisting students with reading, mathematics, problem-solving and more
  • You will participate in 3 field-related practicums component where you will put your skills and training into practice in a real-world work environment

Contact us today using our  form. We’re here to answer any of your questions and provide more information on our programs. Find out how Sprott Shaw College can put you on the road to a brighter, more prosperous future!

Sprott Shaw College is a registered private college. Because it is not a public institution, graduates are not eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP). Issuing Post-Graduation Work Permits (PGWP) for international students is the responsibility of the Federal Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).